14 October 2016

Hello Friday! All Things Fall Edition

It's been a whirlwind of travel and work events the past 3 weekends so I am beyond excited for a local weekend without too much on the agenda.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't totally unprepared for Duke's birthday next weekend, so I totally see a Target trip in my future but that's basically my favorite place on earth so all good there.  I'm going to dive right into 1 terrible thing that happened this week and 4 things that we are hoping to accomplish this weekend before I unplug and get to it! Happy Friday friends!

one spiders, alligators, and sharks OH MY {read: things I'm terrified of}

I've always had a super irrational fear of alligators and sharks considering I grew up in Colorado and South Dakota.  I used to be convinced that there were alligators in the river and that surely anytime I step foot in the ocean, I'd see a shark.  More recently, I have become absolutely terrified and disgusted of spiders!  We have far too many of them in our basement and if it weren't for the storage and location of our washer/dryer, I would NEVER go down there.  Anyway, on Tuesday night I had to run down there to switch out some laundry and there was a big, black, hairy spider in the laundry basket.  I immediately freaked out, tipped the basket over and started spraying the spider with any container of cleaner that was within reach. I must have looked like a lunatic.  That nasty thing suffered through window cleaner, starch, bug spray, almost bleach, before I dropped a gallon of paint on him.  Any tips for overcoming this fear?! I seriously couldn't shake the anxiety off for an hour and kept picturing it coming after me.  -_- 

two pumpkin patching

I have no idea when the last time was that I was at a pumpkin patch, so I am super excited to get to one this weekend.  Unfortunately Dennis has to work because of multiple weekends off for travel, but he's a good dad and doesn't want Duke to miss out on an experience he surely won't remember.  Either way, I better get at least one cute picture of my boy frolicking with all things fall and snag a few pumpkins to put on the front porch!

three fall festival

It's the annual fall festival at my niece's school so I'm hoping Duke and I can check it out on Sunday for some yummy food and silly kid games.  Any excuse to hang with family and support a small private school is good time spent in my book.
four football fan

Hooow cute is this little baby bronco fan?!  Dennis' best friend Tim got Duke this sweatshirt when he was itty bitty and I remember thinking "Man it's going to be awhile before he can wear that!"  Well, awhile has arrived and I must say he looks so cute in it, you'll be seeing a lot of it this fall/winter until he grows out of it and passes it on to baby #2.

five birthday/Halloween prep

I don't know what I was thinking would happen, but naturally this month and all of the festivities have totally snuck up on me! I know I can attribute much of this to my inability to get anything done August/September due to sheer baby sickness, but now we need to get back on track and make sure Duke's 1st birthday and 2nd Halloween live up to the hype!  I haven't totally decided on his costume {I have a couple options to return depending on what we decide} but I can almost guarantee he will be little pudgy pumpkin. 
1- because I can
2- I think it's a requirement of childhood
3- his daddy is likely going to decide all of his other costumes until he's old enough to pick his own.

Last but certainly not least, I am sooo excited to spoil one of my lifelong best friends at her baby shower this weekend!  She is due in about a month with her first and I am really excited to help her celebrate her sweet baby girl.

Happy Friday everyone! Hope you have a wonderful Fall Weekend!



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